Friday, March 24, 2006

The Upchuck Regional

That's what Calipari told America yesterday: "I'm vomitting worrying about Bradley." //////// Ohhhhhh-kayyyyyy ... well, if it makes your tummyache less-achey, J-Cal, I'm vomitting worrying about you vomitting worrying about Bradley. And, a lot of my friends are vomitting worrying about me vomitting worrying about you vomitting worrying about Bradley. And, if any strangers out there catch wind of this situation, they'll be vomitting worrying about my friends vomitting worrying about me vomitting worrying about you vomitting worrying about Bradley. ///// Once again, Coach Cal has set off a chain reaction of vomit. ///// Nice job! ////// The one thing that we CANNOT allow to happen: Calipari vomitting when he thinks about vomitting worrying about Bradley, 'cuz then those strangers out there'll start vomitting thinking about vomitting worrying about my friends thinking about vomitting worrying about me thinking about vomitting worrying about vomitting thinking about Coach Cal vomitting thinking about vommiting worrying about Bradley. /////// And then Bradley will complete the chain when its fans start vomitting thinking about the Bradley coaches vomitting worrying about the players vomitting against Calipari, who is vomitting worrying about Bradley's fans vomitting worrying about the Bradley coaches vomitting worrying about the Bradley players vomitting against Coach Cal. ////// (P.S. -- College basketball is puke-tastic, by the way ... )

achieving Michigan State team of '06 and the quality Michigan State national champions of '00 (except for Izzo), but the analogy is "twistable" and "spinable" ... which makes it "viable."Perhaps my favorite commentary of yesterday's trangressions was when Stooge Scott asked Egghead Vitale how Perry Mason beat UConn and, of course, Vitale gave us: "Well, they beat Michigan State and North Carolina ... Jim Larranaga, what a great story ... he has a great resume ... he's a cerebral guy, a great communicator, he's 56 years of age ... unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

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